BioAtlantis’ objective is to manufacture products with minimal environmental impact and carbon footprint which will deliver economic, social and environmental benefits.
The emissions per kg of product manufactured in 2021 amounts to 0.96kg CO2 eq/kg. The target is to reduce this by 43% by the end of 2023, which equates to 0.54 CO2 eq/kg. This will be achieved by focusing on efficiencies and investing in solar energy. The new technologies which will be launched in 2022 and 2023 will provide more sustainable solutions to food producers.
Plant Operating Efficiencies:
From the earliest design stages of the production facility, focus was placed on automation, energy efficiency and minimisation of environmental impact.
Regeneration/recovery of heat from the many processes on site was used widely. However, there is more to be done and it is anticipated that these projects will yield a reduction in CO2 emissions of ~20% by the end of 2022 and a further 20% by year end 2023. Pollutant gases are mitigated using the Best Available Technologies (BATs), in accordance with Directive 2010/75/EU and in line with Guidance Notes issued by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Carbon Footprint:
The majority of our raw materials are sourced from the west coast of Ireland thus minimising our carbon footprint.
BioAtlantis produces highly concentrated liquid and spray dried products, resulting in lower packing, transport and disposal costs. This together with the low application rates of the products (1 to 6 Kg/Hectare), delivers products to end users with a low carbon footprint.
BioAtlantis’ objective is to manufacture products with minimal environmental impact and carbon footprint which will deliver economic, social and environmental benefits. The target is to continue to reduce emissions into the future - this will be achieved by focusing on efficiencies and investing in solar energy. New technologies which will also be launched in the near future which will provide more sustainable solutions to food producers.

Plant Operating Efficiencies:
From the earliest design stages of the production facility, focus was placed on automation, energy efficiency and minimisation of environmental impact. Regeneration/ recovery of heat from the many processes on site has been used widely, and efforts to improve efficiencies and energy recovery will continue. Potential emissions are mitigated using the Best Available Technologies (BATs), in accordance with Directive 2010/75/EU and in line with Guidance Notes issued by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Carbon Footprint:
The majority of BioAtlantis’ raw materials are sourced from the west coast of Ireland thus minimising our carbon footprint. BioAtlantis produces highly concentrated liquid and spray dried products, resulting in lower packing, transport and disposal costs. This together with the low application rates of the products (1 to 6 Kg/Hectare), delivers products to end users with a low carbon footprint.

Circular economy:
All waste cardboard is baled on site and sent for recycling. Packaging material and drums are UN approved, reusable and recyclable. In global terms, BioAtlantis contributes to efforts for sustainable economic growth and high quality job creation in rural and coastal regions. At a local level, BioAtlantis is also a member of the Circular Bioeconomy Cluster in the south-west of Ireland (https://cbcsw.ie/).

Fossil fuel usage reduction:
A decision was taken in 2015 to install high efficiency LPG fuelled steam boilers instead of coal or oil fired boilers despite a significantly higher capital investment and running costs. LPG is one of the cleanest fossil fuels available, second only to natural gas. LPG emits 38% less carbon dioxide compared to coal to produce the same amount of energy.

Sourcing raw and process materials:
BioAtlantis operates an Approved Supplier System to evaluate, assess and approve suppliers. BioAtlantis extracts natural compounds from renewable raw materials, including seaweeds and terrestrial plants which are 100% replenishable and sustainable. BioAtlantis fully supports Ireland’s National Marine Planning Framework (NMPF) for operating sustainably and in line with conservation requirements in Natura 2000 sites (SACs, SPAs) and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Additionally, we also work to ensure that there are no impacts or in-combination effects with existing activities or features such as inshore fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, recreation, heritage sites and existing seaweed harvesting rights.

By working with nature, BioAtlantis is establishing the foundations for a sustainable and green new future for all.